Aquae Medicatae. Medicated Waters.


Medicated waters may be prepared extemporaneously from the corresponding volatile oils by the following process:

Volatile Oil 0.20
Calcium Phosphate 0.40
Distilled Water 100.00

Triturate the oil with the calcium phosphate, and add the water gradually, triturating constantly; filter, and pass sufficient distilled water through the filter to produce 100. The above process is sanctioned for use in India and other tropical countries in making the following waters:

Aqua Anethi Aqua Foeniculi
Aqua Anisi Aqua Menthae Piperitae
Aqua Carui Aqua Menthae Viridis
Aqua Cinnamomi Aqua Pimentae

Aquae, U.S.P., are prepared from volatile oils by triturating 2 of the oil with 15 of purified talc, or pulped or shredded filter paper; then adding gradually sufficient distilled water to produce 1000, and filtering. A simpler process, which yields satisfactory products, is to add the volatile oil in successive portions to hot water, shaking after each addition, then cooling, and finally filtering through two layers of filter paper; the use of kieselguhr as a filtering medium has been suggested in Australia.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.