Quininae Hypophosphis. Quinine Hypophosphite.

Related entries: Quinine - Red Cinchona Bark

C20H27N2O4P = 390.276.

Quinine hypophosphite, C20H24N2O2HPH2O2, may be obtained by mixing a solution of 25 of quinine sulphate in 400 of alcohol with a solution of 5 of calcium hypophosphite in 120 of water, allowing to stand for about an hour, and then filtering. The filtrate is concentrated to about two-thirds of its volume and set aside to crystallise. The crystals are collected, gently pressed between filter paper, and carefully dried. It contains 83.07 per cent. of anhydrous quinine, and 16.91 of hypophosphorous acid. Quinine hypophosphite occurs as a colourless, crystalline salt, consisting of very small prisms, or as an amorphous powder.

Soluble in water (1 in 250), alcohol (1 in 40).

Action and Uses.—This salt of quinine, in the form of Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus, is; recommended with the hypophosphites of sodium, potassium, calcium, and iron in phthisis and neurasthenic conditions.

Dose.—½ to 3 decigrams (1 to 5 grains).

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.