
Related entry: Carvone - Camphor

C10H14O = 150.112.

Carvacrol, or isopropyl-o-cresol, C6H3CH3(OH)(C3H7) [1.2.4], is the principal constituent of true oil of origanum, from Origanum hirtum and O. smyrnaeum. It may be prepared from carvone by treatment with acids, and also by heating camphor with iodine. It occurs as a thick colourless oil, which solidifies when cooled to a low temperature. Melting-point, 0.5°. Boiling-point, about 240°. Specific gravity, 0.980 to 0.983.

Action and Uses.—Carvacrol is a powerful antiseptic. An iodide of carvacrol, in the form of a light yellow or brownish powder, has been used as a substitute for iodoform.

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.