
Related entry: Gaultheria - Salicylic acid - Sodium salicylate - Aspirin - Salicin

Synonyms—Phenyl Salicylate, Salicylate of Phenol.

Administration—It is prescribed in capsules of from three to six grains every two or three hours. It is safest to discontinue for a few doses, after a number of doses has been given, and to begin again subsequently, if indicated.

Physiological Action—In its physiological action it closely resembles its constituents, salicylic and carbolic acids, as it is clearly proven that the compound is broken up by the action of the pancreatic juice, and these two agents are released in the intestinal canal. This is determined by the presence of the carbolic acid products in the urine, and the evidences of salicylic acid poisoning in the system. A dram of salol will release twenty-four grains of carbolic acid in the system, as forty per cent of the substance is of that acid, and the toxic effects of the agents are the phenomena of salicylic or carbolic acid poisoning.

It is stated by Huselbach, that if the kidneys are diseased, the elimination of the constituents of salol is retarded, and serious poisoning is much more apt to occur. It interferes with the excretory functions of the kidneys, especially if their power is at all impaired. Its use must be avoided entirely if these organs are diseased, and must be administered with careful discrimination in all diseases of the urinary apparatus. In small doses, it is beneficial, if the mucous lining only of the pelvis of the kidney is involved, as in pyelitis, but it must not be given in pyelonephritis.

Therapy—Because of the antiseptic character of both the acids, salol is prescribed freely as an intestinal antiseptic in all cases, whether of a febrile or non-febrile character, where that influence is desired. It is given in catarrhal and fermentive diarrheas, in cholera morbus, and also in cholera. It is prescribed in rheumatism, where the salicylic acid is indicated, and the effects are identical with the influences of that agent. The liberation of the acid in the intestinal canal in a form easily absorbed, may facilitate its action.

In catarrhal cystitis, with alkaline urine, it is directly serviceable, neutralizing the alkalinity and destroying disease germs.

Its use in specific urethritis is quite common, its curative influence depending largely upon its antiseptic properties in all these conditions.

It is prescribed by many physicians as an anodyne and pain-relieving agent. It has but little influence other than in allaying irritation by destroying disease ferments, and other causes of painful disorder.

The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, 1919, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.
It was scanned by Michael Moore for the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.