Mercurial Stomatitis.

Synonym:—Mercurial ptyalism.

Definition:—That form of sore mouth which results from the inordinate use of mercury need not be described in detail, as it is now but seldom met with. When mercury was given by all physicians in excessive doses, it was of common occurrence.

Treatment:—After a thorough cleansing of the mouth, the chlorate of potassium is used almost exclusively by those experienced in the treatment of this disease. The mouth is washed with a solution of the remedy and from three to six grain doses are given internally every three hours, for a day or two. All mercurials are withdrawn. A mild wash made of a solution of distilled extract of hamamelis and colorless hydrastis, in an infusion of marshmallows, may be used, or the chlorate may be dissolved in this infusion. If ulcers form, they should be treated as suggested for ulcerative stomatitis. Atropin in 1/100 grain doses may be given for the excessive flow of saliva, or this may be at times controlled by small doses of jaborandi.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine with especial reference to the Treatment of Disease, 1910, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.