Ulceration of the Esophagus.

Simple ulcers in the form of erosions or follicular ulcerations, as well as necrotic ulcerations from other causes, such as an extension of aphthous ulceration of the mouth, are not uncommon in the structures of the walls of the esophagus. Ulcers at the lower end of the esophagus sometimes occur, similar in character to those found in the wall of the stomach.

These ulcers cause difficulty in swallowing and often much local pain. The simpler form may heal readily upon carefully advised treatment. The severer forms may result in constriction or in perforation. Cases have been found in which there was rupture from the perforation into the posterior mediastinum, or into the aorta, with fatal results.

Treatment:—The treatment of these cases is largely symptomatic. A careful prescriber will be able to select from our remedies those specifically indicated and will adjust local measures to the best possible advantage. The use of mild antiseptic solutions which can be slowly swallowed, conjoined with the use of hamamelis and geranium maculatum, will be of material benefit. The use of geranium and hydrastis, as in ulcer of the stomach, will be of signal service in many cases. If the esophagus is irritable, the food should be given per rectum for a few days.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine with especial reference to the Treatment of Disease, 1910, was written by Finley Ellingwood, M.D.