
Botanical name: 

Plate 08. Chamaemelum.

A COMMON low wild plant, of a beautiful green, a fragrant smell, and with flowers not unlike daisies. It is frequent on damp heaths, and gets no good by being brought into gardens. It grows larger there, but has less efficacy. In its wild state it spreads its branches upon the ground, taking root at the joints. The stalks are round, green, and thick; the leaves are very finely divided, and of a dark blackish green colour. The flowers grow upon long foot-stalks, and are white at the edge and yellow in the middle: the flowers are most used. Those which are raised for sale are double, and they have very little virtue in comparison of the single ones. They are to be taken in tea, which is a pleasant bitter; or in powder they are excellent for disorders of the stomach, and have sometimes cured agues, as many other bitters will. The tea made of them is also good against the colic, and works by urine.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.