Yellow Loosestrife.

Botanical name: 

Plate 32. Lysimachia lutea.

A wild plant not uncommon in our watery places, but for its beauty, very worthy a place in our gardens. If it were brought from America, it would be called one of the most elegant plants in the world. It is four feet high, the stalks are rigid, firm, upright, and very regular in their growth: a little hairy; and towards the tops divided into several branches. The leaves are as long as ones finger, and an inch and half broad in the middle, and small at each end; they are a little hairy, and of a yellowish green. The flowers are large and of a beautiful yellow, they grow several together on the tops of the branches. The seed-vessels are full of small seeds.

The root dried and given in powder, is good against the whites, and against bloody fluxes, overflowings of the menses, and purgings; it is astringent and balsamic. The young leaves bound about a fresh wound, stop the bleeding, and perform a cure in a short time.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.