Ad 03: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

Ad: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

145 North Tenth Street.
Sixty-fourth Session, 1884-85.
Faculty: John M. Maisch, Phar. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany. Joseph P. Remington, Ph. G., Professor of Theory and Practice of Pharmacy. Samuel P. Sadtler, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry. Henry Trimble, Ph.G., Professor of Analytical Chemistry.
Assistants to the Professors: John E. Cook, Ph. G., Materia Medica and Botany. C. Frederick Zeller, Ph. G., Theory and Practice of Pharmacy. Henry Trimble, Ph. G., Chemistry.
The lectures of the regular course of instruction in this college will begin Monday, September 29, 1884, and will terminate about March 1st, 1885.
Two lectures will be delivered to the senior class each Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening, and to the junior class on each Tuesday and Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon.
The subjects treated of in the lectures are those of materia medica (pharmacognosy), botany, theoretical and practical pharmacy, physics and chemistry.
Field instruction in practical botany will be given by Prof. Maisch, on Wednesday afternoons, beginning April 18th. All students and graduates of the college are invited to attend, and participate in the botanical excursions to the surrounding country.
The pharmaceutical laboratory, under the superintendence of Prof. Remington, will be open to receive students in October, with increased facilities for acommodating the rapidly growing classes.
The chemical laboratory, under the direction of Prof. Sadtler, assisted by Prof. Trimble, will be open daily to receive special students, during the regular session, beginning in October, and during the spring and summer from March to August 1st. Students are received at any time for individual instruction.
Class instruction in analytical chemistry will also be extended to all desiring it, and this new feature will doubtless be largely taken advantage of when the regular session opens.
Fees for lecture tickets, $36.00
Matriculation fee for students apprenticed to members of college, 2.50
For other students, 5.00
Three free scholarships will be granted during each session. Six prizes, including three gold medals, will be awarded at the end of the course. Students of this college have access to the extensive library and museum on the ground floor of the building. A full sketch of the scope and character of the instruction may be seen in the announcements, which will be freely furnished on application to the actuary, Thos. S. Wiegand, or either of the Professors.

This image is an advertisement in the American Journal of Pharmacy, 1884.