Our College

We just returned from a third inspection of the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati—our college.

The Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati is the bud from which will proceed the flower destined to send perfume and fragrance to many a city, town and village. Does it not behoove us, as Eclectics (apart from the duty of sending students for its support) to demonstrate our individual interest in its culture and growth?

Does our duty end when we have dismissed the student from our office to add to its numbers? Does our responsibility culminate when we visit commencement and clap our hands at its success. The success of Eclectic medicine, as a reform school, depends as much upon the efforts and encouragment of every member of the Eclectic profession as upon the exertion of the college faculty.

Let us then, one and all, pay occasional visits during the sessions of the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, leaving not only a few practical thoughts—thoughts of experience which may both encourage and instruct the students—but also substantial evidence of our goodwill and support.

Spencer wrote of friendship: "The gradual culture of kind intercourse must bring it to perfection."

The education of the masses is of paramount importance. To have the people thoroughly grounded in the principles of our school of medicine should be the object and aim of every Eclectic physician.

There are places, many of them, all over the United States, where Eclectic physicians are doing a reputable and very remunerative practice in all the branches of medicine and surgery—neurologists, othologists, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, urologists, general practitioners, surgeons, gynecologists, etc.—but the school to which they belong is unheard of or unknown to their patients.

Preeminence is not to be attained unless every individual of the thousands of Eclectic physicians becomes fully impressed with the importance and desirability of the Eclectic school of medicine occupying the high position which it deserves, and is willing to lend his best efforts to its consummation.

The Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati has done much in the past and is doing much at the present time for the diffusion and for the cause of Eclecticism. Its officers and faculty are energetic, earnest men, fully alive to the importance of keeping up the high standard of medical education.

The Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati is the standard for all future Eclectic medical colleges. No cheap, questionable institutions will be tolerated by us. Once more we declare that we want the best, or none at all.


National Eclectic Medical Association Quarterly, Vol. 26, 1934-35, was edited by Theodore Davis Adlerman, M.D.