Cornu cervinae calcinatum. Calcined Deer's Horn.

Botanical name: 

Preparation. — Take the horns of the deer — Cervus Virginianus — any time from the months of August to December, or while they are in velvet, (until just before they fall off,) and when dry rasp them to a coarse powder. Place this in an iron vessel, cover it up tightly, and put it in an oven, or other situation, where a heat, not equal to boiling water, say 195° or 200°, can be continuously maintained for forty-eight hours, or until the whole becomes of a light-brown color, like roasted coffee, and is readily pulverizable, then, when cool, pulverize it, and keep it in well-stopped bottles. During the application of the heat, which should be gradual, the powder should be constantly agitated, on which account, a vessel similar to a coffee roaster would be a very suitable one in which to calcine it. The powder, thus prepared, is of a light chocolate, or yellowish-brown color, of a peculiar, slightly aromatic, animal charcoal odor, and a very faintly-astringent taste. Horns which have fallen from the deer will not answer.

Properties and Uses. — A powerful styptic. Especially an Eclectic remedy, of much value in uterine hemorrhage and menorrhagia. Has also been found beneficial in dysentery, hemoptysis and other hemorrhages. Dose of the powder one drachm, every half hour until the hemorrhage ceases permanently, which is usually from the first to the third or fourth dose ; or one drachm of the powder may be placed in a gill of hot water, and a tablespoonful of the infusion be given every five or ten minutes. This has been tested in numerous cases, and as yet, no failure has been heard of. It is often given combined with the compound powder of ipecacuanha and opium, or with other agents, as capsicum and opium, etc.

The American Eclectic Dispensatory, 1854, was written by John King, M. D.