Pilulae Quininae Compositae, Pilulae Quininae Sulphatis.

Botanical name: 

Pilulae Quininae Compositae.—Compound Pills of Quinine.

Related entry: Cinchona wossname

Preparation.—Take of sulphate of quinine, extract of cornus, and tartaric acid, each, in powder, 1 drachm; alcoholic extract of black cohosh, a sufficient quantity. Mix together, and divide into 4-grain pills.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—These pills are tonic and antiperiodic, and may be employed in intermittent and remittent fevers, and in all diseases attended with symptoms of periodicity. The addition of the tartaric acid renders the quinine more readily soluble in the juices of the stomach. The dose is 1 pill every 1, 2, or 3 hours, according to the severity or urgency of the symptoms. A compound quinine pill is occasionally employed, which is composed as follows: Take of sulphate of quinine, hydrochlorate of berberine, each, 1 drachm; resin of podophyllum, 10 grains; extract of nux vomica, 8 grains. Mix, and divide into 60 pills (J. King).

Pilulae Quininae Sulphatis.—Pills of Sulphate of Quinine.

Preparation.—Take of sulphate of quinine, 1 drachm; aromatic sulphuric acid, 45 drops; drop the acid into the quinine on a tile or slab, and triturate with a spatula until it assumes a pilular consistence; then divide into 60 pills. The same can be effected much more readily by substituting a very small quantity of tartaric acid in solution for the aromatic sulphuric acid (J. King). This pill should be coated with either sugar or gelatin.

This method of forming quinine into a pill mass was made known by Mr. E. Parish. The ingredients, when mixed, form a fluid, which soon thickens into a paste, and finally becomes quite solid, and so adhesive as to be readily divided and rolled into pills; care must be taken not to allow the mass to become too dry and brittle before dividing it, as it is liable to do if allowed to remain too long. In this form, a portion of the neutral sulphate being converted into the soluble bisulphate, the preparation more nearly resembles the solutions in composition, and is believed to be more certain and rapid in its action. When it is desired to incorporate other substances in powder with the quinine thus prepared, as ferrocyanide of iron, etc., they should be added to the mass when it is just so soft that, upon their addition, it will immediately assume the proper consistence. It is not, however, advisable to employ this process when any considerable quantity of other ingredients are prescribed with the quinine, unless a little syrup or honey is also added to prevent the too rapid hardening and consequent crumbling of the mass.

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(For the uses of these pills, see Quininae Sulphas.) Each pill contains 1 grain of sulphate of quinine, and 12 are equivalent to 1 ounce of good Peruvian bark. The above pill mass may be made into 2 or 5-grain pills if desired, which will not be found inconveniently large.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.