Tinctura Coto (N. F.)—Tincture of Coto.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Coto.—Coto Bark

(Modern shorthand: 1:8 91 %)

Preparation.—"Coto bark, bruised, one hundred and twenty-five grammes (125 Gm.) [4 ozs. av., 179 grs.]; alcohol, a sufficient quantity to make one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]. Macerate the coto with eight hundred and fifty cubic centimeters (850 Cc.) [28 fl℥, 356♏︎] of alcohol during 7 days; then pour off the liquid, press the residue, and filter the united liquids through paper. Lastly, wash the residue transferred to the filter with enough alcohol to make the product measure one thousand cubic centimeters (1000 Cc.) [33 fl℥, 391♏︎]. Note.—Coto bark is derived from an undetermined tree, probably belonging to the natural order Lauraceae, and is obtained from Bolivia. There are two varieties known, one as 'coto,' and the other as 'Para-coto' bark. True coto bark is, at times, difficult to obtain in the market, and the para-coto bark is then frequently substituted for it. While they possess some useful properties in common, yet they differ materially in other respects. Hence, the para-coto bark should not be substituted for the true coto bark"—(Nat. Form.).

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—(See Coto.) Dose, 1 to 2 fluid drachms.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.