Avena Sativa.

Botanical name: 

P. E.—Seed.
N. O.—Graminaceae.
N. H.—America, Europe, Asia.

Properties: Antispasmodic, nerve stimulant, diuretic and tonic.

Indications: Nervous prostration, convalescence from prostrating diseases; general prostration from worry or overworked condition of the brain. Occipital headache in general neurasthenia; sexual neurasthenia; nervous palpitation of the heart.

Use: We think of it in masturbation; spermatorrhea the result of excessive sexual indulgence or masturbation. In hysterical conditions the result of uterine or ovarian disorders; nervous headache at the menstrual period; and in atonic amenorrhea; neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhea with cold extremities and poor circulation. In the morphine, tobacco and alcoholic habit. In prostatic irritation used with saw palmetto its action is very satisfactory. It is best administered in 10 to 15 drop doses in a cup of hot water, or, where case demands, in a cup of cold water. In hot water its action is much quicker. It is always best to give it well diluted. If it produces pain at the base of the brain it should be discontinued for a few days and then given in reduced doses. It is a stimulant sedative and nutritive tonic in wasting nerve force. Of value in chorea, nerve tremor, paralysis and wasting diseases of old age. In local paralysis of diphtheria it is a good remedy. Its stimulating influence is similar to that of nux vomica; after prostrating fevers its action is similar to quinine and its restorative power to that of phosphorous, it is not as powerful as these remedies but its beneficial effect is more lasting. It increases nerve force and increases the nutritive force of the whole system. The writer finds that effective as this drug may be, it is often overrated.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.