Chelidonium Majus.

Botanical name: 

Note: Chelidonium is dicey; it's been implicated in liver disease. Don't use it. -Henriette.

Syn.—Chelidonium: Celandine; Tetterwort.
P. E.—Plant.
N. O.—Papaveraceae.
N. H.—Europe.

Properties: Drastic purgative in moderate or large doses.

Indications: Full, pale, sallow tongue and mucous membrane, skin pale, doughy, sometimes even greenish. Slow pulse, dull pain or heaviness in the region of the liver, sense of weight in the stomach; dull, stretchy, tired feeling, cold extremities, frontal headache, dull sick headache, vertigo, irregularity of the bowels, melancholy, pain under angle of right shoulder blade; all or any of the above indications the result of sluggish portal circulation and impaired functional activity of the glandular organs of the abdominal cavity.

Use: In jaundice due to obstruction from swelling of mucous membrane that lines the biliary ducts; caused by catarrhal inflammation. In general catarrhal condition of the biliary ducts. Corrects tendency to formation of gall stones. In conditions where no bile is secreted by the liver and in consequence white or gray colored stools result it is the remedy; in such cases urine may be pale. Also where there is obstruction of the biliary ducts from catarrhal conditions. In diseases of the liver and digestive apparatus, the result of sluggish portal circulation and functional inactivity of the glandular organs of the abdominal cavity, it is a valuable remedy. It has been recommended for hydrocele internally. Locally of great value in ringworm and tetter. In inflammation of the liver it is our best remedy if alternated or associated with other indicated remedies. Chelidonium is claimed to be a valuable remedy in varicocele; but must be used for some time. Claimed to be of value in varicose veins and to have some aphrodisiac power.

The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.