Ignatia Amara.
Syn.—Bean of St. Ignatius; Strychnos Ignatii.
P. E.—Seeds.
N. O.—Loganiaceae.
N. H.—India, Philippine Islands.
Properties: Tonic and stimulant to vascular and nervous system.
Physiological action: As the most active principle of this drug is strychnine its physiological action is similar to nux vomica and, therefore, the reader is referred to physiological action of nux vomica for ignatia amara.
Indications: In hysteria, dragging pains in the pelvis, colicky uterine pains, burning in soles of feet, sexual apathy, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, continued coldness of legs and feet in women during the change of life. Chorea, the result of fright; twitching of the eyelids, headache, gloomy forebodings or sleeplessness, the result of general nervous weakness. In some cases of nervous debility.
Use: Although ignatia amara is prescribed in similar conditions to nux vomica it appears to be better adapted to females. It is not as powerful as nux vomica but should be used with the same care. Although one indication for this drug is twitching of the eyelids, it must be understood that it is only in such conditions where stimulation is in place; furthermore if this drug is taken and produces twitching of the eyelids is should be discontinued as that is one of its physiological effects. This also applies to nux vomica. Ignatia amara has a direct action on the spine and to a less degree on the cerebrum. Is of special value in hysterical women, with general nervous weakness and depression brought on by long continued uterine disorders. A good remedy in nervous dyspepsia. Best results are obtained by using small doses.
The Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics, 1905, was written by Fred J. Petersen, M.D.