Chap. 029. Of Sea Arach.

Botanical name: 

Arach, Sea 1. Arach, Sea. I. The Names. It is called in Greek, Ατάφαξις θαλάοσια: in Latin, Atriplex marina; and by Lobel, Xerampelina: in English Sea Arach, Marsh Arach.

II. The Kinds. It is twofold, 1. Atriplex marina repens lutea, Yellow Creeping Sea Arach.

2. Atriplex maritima angustifolia, Narrow Leav'd Marsh Arach

III. The Description. The first of these has a great Root with many strings, which perishes not every Year, and is of a Saltish Taste, tho' it is bred up in a Garden; from whence comes forth several Stalks, lying in Some measure, and creeping upon the Ground, with many White, Hoary, Mealy or Sandy Branches, and with White, Broad, Mealy or Sandy Leaves, deep cut on the Edges, and Pointed, set on them without any order, cut in on the Edges, near at the Bottom, and pointed at the Ends, somewhat like unto a Small Goose-foot Leaf: at the top of the Branches grows divers slender, hoary, yellowish Spikes of Seed, set close together like Clusters: Sometimes I have seen in reddish, like the Red Garden Arach, and sometimes nothing so Mealy, but rather Green.

IV. The other kind has a Woody Root, with many small Strings, from whence springs forth a Woody and Hoary Salk, about a foot high, spread at the top into many small Branches, spotted with black spots, which end in long yellow Spikes of Clustering Seed, like the former. The Leaves which grow below are somewhat long and narrow, about two Inches long, of a dark green Colour, with some Corners about the Edges, which yet are smaller and smaller, as they grow higher.

V. The Places. They grow in many parts of England, by the Sea shore, and Banks of Salt-water Rivers, and Borders of Salt Marshes, and in Marsh Grounds, particularly at Queenbrough, at Kings-Lyn in Norfolk, at Margate in the Isle of Thanet, and in many other places by the Sea side. The first grows on the Sea shore near Little Holland in Essex, and at Kings-Lyn in Norfolk, by the Banks of the Creek, running out of the Haven by the South side of the Town, where some years since I found it in great plenty; as also in the Isle of mersey, not far from Colchester. The latter, Mr. Ray says, grows plentifully by the River, and on the Banks of the marshes about Malden in Essex, and doubtless in many other the like places.

VI. The Times. They Flower from the beginning of June, all July and August, even to September, and the Seed successively ripens in the mean Season.

VII. The Qualities. It is Cold and Moist in the first Degree; but some Authors will have it to be Dry. It is something Cathartick, at leastwise Solutive, Diuretick, Abitersive, Attenuating, Discussive and Emollient; and is appropriated to the Womb, Reins and Joints.

VIII. The Specification. It is peculiar against a Polysarcia, or a too great Fleshiness and Fatness of the Body, and the Dropsie.

IX. The Preparations. You may prepare from it,

1. A Juice.
2. An Essence.
3. A Decoction.
4. A Syrup.
5. A Spirituous Tincture.
6. A Saline Tincture.
7. An Oily Tincture.
8. A Cataplasm.
9. An Ointment.
10. A Balsam.

The Virtues.

X. The Juice. This by reason of its Saltness does purge the Bowels, and habit of the whole Body, of Cold and Watry Humors, being taken from j. ounce to iij. ounces, in the Broth of Fat Meat.

XI. The Essence. It is in property much like to the Wild Araches; and being taken Morning and Evening for some time, it has been found prevalent against a Polyfarcia, or too great Corpulency, and Bulk of Body; and preserves the Lungs from putrefaction. Dose from j. ounce to iij. ounces.

XII. The Decoction in Wine. It has the Virtues of the Essence and Juice, but not full out so powerful: it provokes: it provokes Urine, and is good against Gravel and Stone. Dose from iij. to vj. ounces, Morning and Evening.

XIII. The Syrup of the Juice. It cleanses the Lungs and Bowels, opens the Body; 'tis said, that there is not many better Medicines against the Dropsie than this, to take it to iv. ounces, or more, Morning and Evening; I have proved it. It also causes Leanness in them who are too Fat, as experience has manifested.

XIV. The Spirituous Tincture. It strengthens the Womb, and is good against the Diseases therof, taken to ij. drams in Wine: mixed, half an ounce of it at a time, with vi. or vij. ounces of the Decoction in Water, it cleanses the Womb of the Whites by injection, and stops them.

XV. The Saline Tincture. It is a good Nephritick, and Diuritick, it opens the obstructions of the Urinary Passages, provokes Urine, and expels Sand, Gravel, and gritty Stones. Dose from j. dram to ij. drams, in white Wine.

XVI. The Oily Tincture. It has the Virtues of the former taken inwardly, from vj. drops to xviij. in white Port Wine; but it is best to be given in a cold habit of Body: it opens obstructions of the Womb, and provokes the Terms.

XVII. The Cataplasm. The Herb Cut, Bruised, and Boil'd to a Cataplasm with Oatmeal, discusses outward cold Tumors, and gives ease in the Gout.

XVIII. The Ointment. It is good to cool Inflamations, and ease Pains and Aches proceeding from a hot Cause: and is good to anoint on the Legs, to discuss Hydropical Tumors.

XIX. The Balsam. It is a good Vulnerary, abates Inflamations in Wounds and Ulcers, cleanses them of their filth, makes them easie, and in a little time after heals them.

XX. The Correction. By reason this Herb is something Flatulent, or apt to stir up Wind, it ought to be Corrected in its various preparations, as Juice Clarified, Essence, Decoction, and Syrup, with Aniseeds, Carraways, Cloves, Fennel/ Seeds, Ginger, Liquorice, Pepper, Zedoary, &c.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.
The end of this chapter has been proofread by Claudia Barton and peppercat.