Chap. 160. Of Cranes-bill Musked.

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I. The Names. It is called in Greek, Mo^cjv A &1/10V i Bo-ntvw ό juayQ-, tcI ru ux>%* : In Latin, Geranium Moschatum, alio Acus Moschata, Rofirum Ciconise Moschatum, Myrrhida Plinij, and Acus Pa-fioris : In English, Musked Cranes-bill, or Storks-hill, of the Vulgar, dslusk, Muschata, and Herb-Musk.

II. The Kinds. We have four several sorts of this Plant, viz. I. Geranium Moschatum Vulgare vel Hortense, Herba Mofchus, the Common, or Garden Musked Cranes-bill, or Herb Musk. 2. Geranium Moschatum inodorum, Musked Cranes-bill without smell, being only called Musked from its form. 3. Geranium Apulum odorum, alterum odo-rum folio Coriandri, Italian Musked Cranes-bill 4* jffr&um Crerk^, Candy Cranes-bill.

Ul,The Descriptions. The first, or Musked ^nes"bih\ has a Root somewhat long, with divers ^res thereat, from whence spring up several long Ringed Leaves, of a dark green color, ( and some-times ofan AJh green color, 9r Jomewhat whitish by the °* j 5 whlch are hereon,) lying upon LeJr 5 ind CUt or divide<l into many Parts or staves h and each of them cut in or snipt on the

IV. The second kind, or Inodorous, in its R Leaves, Stalks, flowers, Magnitude, form and manner of growing, so much resembles the former, that at first fight there seems to be no difference : but that which makes the distinction is, that this

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Plant has no Smell at all or if it has any, it is not of the Musky kind-, this has Red Flowers: But there is also another Species of this Inodorous kind, nothing differing from the last, but in the color of the Flowers, the color of these being white.

V. The third, or kalian Musked Cranes-bill, has a Root small and yellow, listing up its head a little above ground, from whence spring uV several long Leaves, somewhat hairy, lying upon the ground, and a little snipt or cut in on the edges, and divided into parts, even to the middle Rib, not much unlike to the Geranium Moschatum first described, which stand upon reddish footstalks, the two lowest Jaggs being greater than the rest ^ but those which rise up with the Stalk are more cut in, somewhat like unto the lower Leaves of Coriander or Fetherfew, but with rounder dents the Stalks are jointed and Kneed, with two Juch like Leaves at them, but more finely jagged : at the tops of the Stalks and Branches the Flowers grow, of a pale blewish purple color, each Handing in a green hairy Husk, wherein afterwards jl and the heads of Seed, very like to the other kinds, great below and small above. The whole Plant above ground is of a Pleasing Sweet Musky Smell, like the first of these, and of which it is a Species.

VI. The fourth, or Candy Cranes-bill, has. a Root which is long and white, with some Fibres adjoining to it; and perishes when it has perfeUed its Seed : from this Root spring up several long and tender Stalks, soft and full of juice, upon which grow several broad and long winged Leaves, not much unlike to the first Musked Cranes-bill, cut in, or notched on the edges. These Stalks spread themselves out into many Branches, more especially towards the Top, on the Tops of which grow many Flowers made of five Leaves apiece, of a reasonable bigness, and of a fair Blew, or Watchet color, with a purplish Pointel in the middle, which being past, beak-like heads follow, as in the other Cranes-bills, but greaser, and containing larger,greater, and sharper pointed Seed, able to pierce the skin. This Plant springs up many times of its own Sowing, if the Winter is 7iot too sharp _·, otherwise being Annual, it muft: be Sown in the Spring of the Year.

VII. The Places. The two first grow Wild (says Parkinson) in many places of this Land, as well in Meadows as waste Grounds. But the firft is now nursed up in Gardens for its pleasant sweet Smell. The second is found sometimes upon Heaths, and dry Gravelly places, but much smaller than when it grows in better or richer Ground. The thira was brought to us out of Italy, and the fourth out of Candia, and in England are only nurs'd up in Gardens, where they grow very well.

VIII. The Times. They Rower in June and July, and the Seed ripens not long after : the Candy Cranes-bill, Gerard faith, flowered with him for the most part in May.

IX. As for the Qualities, Specification, Preparations and Virtues ( these being of the same nature with the Wild Cranes-bills ) fee them in Chap. 162. following. These here are accounted excellent Wound Herbs, and equal to Doves-foot: The Cretick or Candy Cranes-bill being used in Wound Drinks, does far excell ( as Gerard says ) any of the Cranes-bills, and is equal with any other Wound Herb whatsoever for the same purpose.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.