31. Pix burgundica.—Burgundy Pitch.

Botanical name: 

31. PIX BURGUNDICA.—BURGUNDY PITCH. The resinous exudation prepared from Abies excelsa Poiret. A reddish-brown or yellowish-brown, opaque or translucent solid when pure, gradually taking the form of the vessel in which it is contained; brittle, breaking with a shining, conchoidal fracture; at body heat it becomes soft and adhesive; odor agreeable, somewhat aromatic, terebinthinate; taste aromatic and sweetish, not bitter. A mixture of common pitch, rosin, and turpentine melted together and agitated with water, is often substituted for Burgundy pitch, but may be detected by its insolubility in warm glacial acetic acid. Terebinthina cocta, a residue from the distillation of turpentine with water, and Resina pini (white turpentine), fused in hot water and strained, are allied products resembling the former, but these later become crystalline. Constituents: Volatile oil (smaller proportion than in turpentine), water, and resin. Gentle rubefacient and stimulant, in chronic rheumatism, etc., in plasters.

Emplastrum Picis Burgundicae, U.S.P. 1890.
Emplastrum Picis Cantharidatum (92 per cent., with cerate of cantharides), U.S.P. 1890.

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.