300. Azedarach.—Margosa bark.

300. AZEDARACH.—MARGOSA BARK. The root-bark of Me'lia azed'arach Linné. Habitat: China and India; cultivated in Southern United States. Fibrous pieces about 5 mm. (1/5 in.) thick, and 50 to 75 mm. (2 to 3 in.) wide. The outer surface is reddish-brown, with irregular, blackish, longitudinal ridges. The inner surface is yellowish-white to brown, and striated longitudinally; fracture fibrous; inodorous; taste sweetish, acrid, and bitter. If collected from old roots, the bark must be freed from the corky layer. The active principle is a yellowish-white resin. Azedarach was once extensively used in the Southern States as an anthelmintic. Dose: 15 to 60 gr. (1 to 4 Gm.), in decoction.

(Some confusion on the names, here. Melia azedarach is Chinaberry; Melia azadirachta (or Azadirachta indica) is Neem or Margosa bark. I'd be delighted if Chinaberry could be used like Neem - but it can't. -Henriette)

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.