Fig. 277. Powdered Ipcecacuanha Root

Fig. 277. Powdered Ipcecacuanha Root

(Cephaelis ipecacuanha). (X 210.) a, a', a'', Starch grains, simple and compound. ccr, Cells with calcium oxalate. fl, Fibrous cells. l, Bast. pc, p'c', Cortical parenchyma in longitudinal and transverse section. ph, p'h', Phelloderm in surface view and section. ra, Raphides. s, s', Cork in surface view and profile. tra, Tracheids.
- (From Greenish and Collin.)

This image is from Drug Powders (also see Ipecac) in Sayre's Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917.