21. Pinus alba, N.F.—White Pine. 21a. Pinus montana.—Pinus pumilio.

21. Pinus Alba N.F. Lin.—WHITE PINE. The inner bark of Pinus strobus (Weymouth Pine), from eastern and central North America. In flat pieces about 6 inches long by 3 inches in width and 1/24 inch in thickness. Bark brittle, fracture irregular, not fibrous, but showing several woody layers. Reddish-brown streaked with gray outside; inner, yellowish blotched with light brown; bland odor; mucilaginous, slightly bitter and astringent taste.

PROPERTIES.—Those of balsamic preparations generally.

USES.—An emollient and expectorant in chronic affections of air-passages. Dose of fluidextract: ½ to 1 fluidrachm (2 to 4 mils) .

21a. PINUS MONTANA MILLER.—Pinus Pumilio Haenke. Dwarf Pine. From the fresh leaves of this dwarf pine a volatile oil is obtained which is official in the U.S.P. IX as Oleum Pini Pumilionis, Oil of Dwarf Pine Needles. It is employed as an inhalant in catarrh of the respiratory passages, chronic laryngitis and bronchitis; used locally in treatment of chronic rheumatic affections and when added to ether allays irritation and diminishes bronchial secretion.

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.