249. Tamarindus, N.F.—Tamarind.

Botanical name: 

The preserved pulp of the fruit of Tamarin'dus in'dica Linné (the Indian date).

A tough, reddish-brown mass, made adhesive by the syrup in which the fruit is preserved. This preserved pulp consists of a fibrous or stringy mucilaginous mass, the thin membranous epicarp (the pericarp being removed), and numerous large, somewhat quadrangular, brown seeds, each inclosed in a tough membrane; inodorous; taste sweetish and acidulous.

CONSTITUENTS.—Tartaric acid and acid potassium tartrate, with traces of citric and malic acids. These organic salts amount to about 10 per cent.

ACTION AND USES.—Laxative and refrigerant, in confection of senna. Dose: 1 to 8 dr. (4 to 30 Gm.).

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy, 1917, was written by Lucius E. Sayre, B.S. Ph. M.