
Botanical name: 

The leaves of Diosma crenata.—Cape of Good Hope.

Preparations.—An infusion of the leaves. Tincture of Buchu.

Dose.—Of an infusion, ℥j. Of the tincture, gtt. x. to ʒj.

Therapeutic Action.—Buchu is diuretic, stimulant, tonic, and diaphoretic. It exerts a specific influence upon the urinary organs; while by its tonic, stimulant, aromatic, and diaphoretic qualities, it promotes the appetite, relieves flatulence, and favors diaphoresis. The volatile oil furnished by the leaves of the Buchu is absorbed into the circulation, and communicates its odor to the excretions shortly after it is taken.

In Europe and in this country Buchu has been mostly administered in disordered states of the urino-genital organs. It is especially appropriate in chronic affections attended with copious secretion. In cystorrhoea, attended with profuse secretion, it often checks it and lessens the irritable condition of the bladder, thereby enabling the patient to retain his urine longer.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.