
Botanical name: 

Dose.—Of the powder, from grs. xx. to ʒj.; of a decoction of an ounce to a pint of boiling water, one to three ounces.

Inula Helenium, or Elecampane, if taken in the form of a warm decoction or infusion, acts very conspicuously upon the cutaneous emunctories, causing diaphoresis. Its effects are greatly augmented by the application of external heat and quiet. It has been esteemed useful in both acute and chronic catarrhal affections, and in the acute exanthemata, when the eruptive process is not perfected, and when a stimulating diaphoretic seems to be required. In sudden colds, check of perspiration, and cough, a warm infusion of Inula answers an admirable purpose.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.