Liquor Potassae Citratis.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Potassae Citras

Dose.—Of this preparation, one-half ounce, diluted with water, once in one, two, or three hours, according to symptoms. It is often used extemporaneously, in the form of an effervescing draught, as—Rx Lemon juice ℥ss., carbonate of potash grs. xv., water ℥ss; dissolve the potash in the water, and mix the two, and take while in a state of effervescence.

Solution of Citrate of Potash, or Neutral Mixture, is an excellent refrigerant diaphoretic, remarkably well adapted to the relief of febrile conditions, as a hot and dry state of the skin, and much thirst. It is found particularly useful in intermittents and remittents; this is especially the case when taken in a state of effervescence. The carbonic acid seems to cover the taste of the citrate of potash, and adds to the diaphoretic powers of the salt its own quieting influence on the stomach.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.