Stillingia Sylvatica. (Stillingia.)

Botanical name: 

Preparation.—Prepare a tincture from the recent dried root, ʒviij. to Alcohol 98° Oj. Dose from gtt. j. to gtts x.

Stillingia increases waste and excretion, but its principal action probably is upon the lymphatic system, favoring the formation of good lymph, hence good blood and nutrition. Experience shows that it favorably influences the system in secondary syphilis, in some forms of scrofula, and in cases of chronic disease where the tissues are feeble and not readily removed and renewed.

I believe it to be more especially useful in those cases where there is predominant affection of mucous membranes, and secondly, where the skin is involved. In these cases I have used the simple tincture as above, largely diluted with water, with much better results than I have obtained from any of the compounds of Stillingia or alterative syrups. Evidently in the ordinary manufacture of "Compound Syrup of Stillingia," the virtues of Stillingia, if it has any, are wholly lost, simply because water or dilute alcohol is not a proper menstruum.

Stillingia exerts a specific influence upon the mucous membranes of the throat, larynx, and bronchii, relieving irritation and favoring normal nutrition and functional activity. Some cases of chronic pharyngitis of years' standing, have been relieved by this remedy, after other treatment had failed. It is an excellent remedy in the treatment of some cases of chronic laryngitis, speedily relieving the irritation and cough, and we also employ it in chronic bronchitis with like good results. Now if it is possible to determine the class of cases in which it is thus beneficial, the reader may use it with advantage.

So far as my experience extends, they are those with tumid, red, glistening mucous membranes, with scanty secretion. This condition in deed seems to be the index for the use of the remedy for every purpose. In syphilis, in scrofula, in chronic inflammation with deposits, the same red glistening color, with scanty secretion, is my guide to the use of Stillingia.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.