
Definition.—Tumors of nerves, which are divided into true and false neuromata.

True neuromata are made up of nerve-fibers, and, in rare cases, of ganglion cells.

False neuromata are devoid of nerve-tissue, and are composed of fibrous, gliomatous, myxomatous, or sarcomatous tissue, and situated on or within the nerve-sheath.

Etiology.—Neuromata, when single, are generally due to traumatism, either surgical, as when nerves are divided, or accidental, as from puncture, as from the hypodermic needle, or other penetrating instruments.

When multiple, they are due to hereditary or some diathetic disease, as leprosy.

Pathology.—All neuromata are made up of a mass of nerve-tissue and are classified as—(1) Stump or bulbous neuromata, developing on the severed ends of nerves. (2) Subcutaneous neuromata, or "tubercula dolorosa," painful nerve-tumors lying just beneath the skin. (3) Nerve-trunk neuromata, usually multiple. (4) Plexiform neuromata, consisting of an interlacing of neural cords, beady or tortuous in character.

Symptoms.—Neuromata, as a rule, are not painful, and rarely cause symptoms, if we except the subcutaneous, or those in an amputation stump. Occasionally motor symptoms are present, and are manifested by frequent or constant twitchings. That epilepsy may result from these growths is shown by a cessation of the attacks upon a removal of the neuromata.

Treatment.—This is surgical, and in the subcutaneous form gives permanent relief. In the bulbar form the relief may be only temporary, the growths frequently recurring.

In false neuromata, especially when due to syphilis, the iodids, echinacea, and other antisyphilitics will be indicated.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.