X. Diseases of the Pancreas.

Since the pancreas is one of the most important glands concerned in metabolism, and since, by its secretion, all three groups of foodstuffs are changed into soluble absorbable substances, any pathological disturbance of the organ must necessarily be attended by grave injury to the various vital functions of the body. Yet, despite its importance, there is less clinical knowledge of this organ than any other of like importance, and, heretofore, to make a positive diagnosis of pancreatic lesions was seldom attempted. Much has been learned during the past ten years, however, through the investigations of Fitz, Scerin, Seitz, Nimier, Korte, and Mayo Robsen, the treatise of Korte and Robsen throwing much light on a hitherto dark subject.

Through the courtesy of W. B. Saunders, I shall quote freely from Dr. L. Osler's Monograph, "Diseases of the Pancreas," found in Nothnagel's "Encyclopedia of Practical Medicine."

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.