Syrupus Acaciae. U. S. Syrup of Acacia. Syr. Acac.

Botanical name: 

Related entry: Acacia

Syrupus Gummosus; Sirop de Gomme, Fr. Cod.; Gummisirup, G.; Sciroppo di gomma arabica. It.; Jarabe de goma, Sp.

"Acacia, in selected pieces, one hundred grammes [or 3 ounces av., 231 grains]; Sugar, eight hundred grammes [or 28 ounces av., 96 grains]; Distilled Water, a sufficient quantity, to make one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6 ½ fluidrachms]. Place the acacia in an enameled or porcelain dish, and add four hundred and thirty mils [or 14 fluidounces, 259 minims] of distilled water, and stir occasionally until the acacia is dissolved; then, having added the sugar, place the dish on a water bath and apply heat, gradually increasing the temperature until the water in the water bath boils. Maintain this temperature for fifteen minutes, and stir the syrup from time to time until the sugar is dissolved. Strain the syrup while hot, add sufficient distilled water, recently boiled, to make the product measure one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6½ fluidrachms], and transfer it, while yet hot, into small bottles which have been rinsed with boiling water and heated in an oven at 160° C. (320° F.) for from fifteen to thirty minutes. Close the bottles tightly with rubber stoppers which have been just previously boiled in water for thirty minutes and cap them with paper." U. S.

In the 18th edition of this work the process of the U. S. P., 1890, was condemned because of the tendency of the mucilage of acacia to spoil and thus make an unreliable syrup; the U. S. P. (9th Rev.) provides for a practically permanent preparation by the sterilization of the syrup, the containers, and the stoppers. This syrup is useful in the preparation of mixtures, pills, and troches, and is a good demulcent; but, unfortunately, the proportion of the gum to the sugar is too small to meet all the indications calling for the conjoint use of these substances. To avoid fermentation, C. B. Mann commends the use of one fluidounce of glycerin and seven fluidounces of water as the solvent. If the mucilage of acacia be made with chloroform water or a trace of chloroform be added to syrup of acacia, fermentation is measurably retarded, but the present official method is satisfactory for the purpose.

Off. Prep.—Syrupus Morphinae et Acaciae, N. F.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.