Tinctura Belladonna Foliorum. U. S. (Br.) Tincture of Belladonna Leaves.

Botanical name: 

Tr. Bellad. Fol. [Belladonna Tinctura P. I.]

"One hundred mils of Tincture of Belladonna Leaves yields not less than 0.027 Gm. nor more than 0.033 Gm. of the total alkaloids of belladonna leaves." U. S. " Tincture of Belladonna contains in 100 millilitres 0.035 gramme of the alkaloids of Belladonna Leaves." Br.

Tinctura Belladonnae, Br., U. S. P. 1880; Tincture of Belladonna; Teinture de feuille de Belladone, Fr. Cod.; Belladonnatinktur, G.; Tintura alcoholica de belladonna, Sp.

"Belladonna Leaves, in No. 60 powder, one hundred grammes [or 3 ounces av., 231 grains], to make about one thousand mils [or 33 fluid-ounces, 6½ fluidrachms]. Prepare a Tincture by Type Process P, as modified for assayed tinctures, using diluted alcohol as the menstruum and adjusting the volume of the finished Tincture so that each one hundred mils contains 0.03 Gm. of the total alkaloids of belladonna leaves." U. S.

"Belladonna Leaves, dried and in No. 20 powder, 100 grammes; Alcohol (70 per cent.) sufficient to produce 1000 millilitres.

"Moisten the Belladonna Leaves with one hundred millilitres of the Alcohol, and complete the percolation process. Determine the proportion of alkaloids contained in the tincture so prepared by the Br. process below." Br.

"Assay.—Evaporate 100 mils of Tinctura of Belladonna Leaves on a water bath until it measures about 10 mils, transfer the evaporated liquid to a separator, and proceed as directed in the assay under Fluidextractum Belladonnae Radicis, second line of the Assay, beginning with the words ( add 10 mils, modifying the process there given by increasing the ammonia water to 5 mils which, with about 5 mils of distilled water, is to be used in divided portions to rinse out the dish in which the mixture was evaporated; before titrating treat the residue twice with 5 mils of ether, evaporating to dryness each time." U. S.

"Evaporate 100 millilitres in an evaporating basin on a water-bath until it measures about 10 millilitres, add, if necessary, sufficient alcohol (90 per cent.) to dissolve any separated substance and transfer to a separator, rinsing the dish with a little water. Add 10 millilitres of water, 20 millilitres of chloroform, and 2 millilitres of solution of ammonia. Shake well and separate the chloroformic layer. Repeat the extraction with two successive portions of 10 millilitres of chloroform. Mix the chloroformic solutions, and shake them with 10 millilitres of N/1 solution of sulphuric acid diluted with twice its volume of water. Separate the chloroformic solution. Repeat the shaking with a further 10 millilitres of the acidified water. Mix the acid solutions, add 20 millilitres of chloroform and 4 millilitres of solution of ammonia. Shake well, draw off the chloroformic solution into a beaker, and repeat the extraction with two further portions, each of 10 millilitres, of chloroform. Allow the mixed chloroformic solutions to evaporate, dry the residue on a water-bath for thirty minutes, dissolve it in 10 millilitres of N/20 solution of sulphuric acid and titrate with N/20 solution of sodium hydroxide, using tincture of coch'neal as indicator. Deduct the number of millilitres of alkaline solution required from 10, and multiply the difference by 0.01446; the product will be the weight in grammes of the alkaloids contained in 100 millilitres of the tincture. This quantity should be not less than 0.035 gramme. Should the tincture contain more than this proportion it must be diluted with the necessary quantity of Alcohol (70 per cent.).

"Examined by the foregoing process, Tincture of Belladonna is found to contain in 100 millilitres 0.035 gramme of the alkaloids of Belladonna Leaves. Limit of error 0.002 gramme in excess or defect. This Tincture contains seven-tenths of the proportion of alkaloids contained in the Tincture of Belladonna of the British Pharmacopoeia, 1898. It may be used when the Tinctura Belladonna of the International Agreement is required." Br.

In the U. S. P., 1890, the name of this tincture was changed to Tinctura Belladonna Foliorum, for the sake of greater precision. In the U. S. P. VIII its strength was reduced to 10 per cent. to conform to the International Protocol standard.

The tincture is an efficient preparation when made from the recently dried leaves and assayed by the official process.

Dose, from five to fifteen minims (0.3-0.9 mil).

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.