Elixir Aromaticum. U. S. Aromatic Elixir.

Elix. Arom. [Simple Elixir]

Related entries: Compound Spirit of Orange - Oil of Anise - Oil of Orange - Oil of Coriander - Oil of Lemon - Syrupus Aromaticus

Elixir aromatique, Fr.; Aromatisches Elixir, G.

"Compound Spirit of Orange, twelve mils [or 195 minims]; Syrup, three hundred and seventy-five mils [or 12 fluidounces, 326 minims]; Purified Talc, thirty grammes [or 1 ounce av., 25 grains]; Alcohol, Distilled Water, each, a sufficient quantity, to make one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6 ½ fluidrachms]. To the Compound Spirit of Orange add enough Alcohol to make two hundred and fifty mils [or 8 fluidounces, 218 minims]. To this solution, add the Syrup in several portions, agitating after each addition, and afterwards add, in the same manner, three hundred and seventy-five mils [or 12 fluidounces, 326 minims] of Distilled Water. Mix the Purified Talc intimately with the liquid, and then filter through a wetted filter, returning the first portions of the filtrate until a transparent liquid is obtained. Lastly, wash the filter with a mixture of one volume of Alcohol and three volumes of Distilled Water, until the product measures one thousand mils [or 33 fluidounces, 6 ½ fluidrachms]." U. S.

This is justly one of the most popular vehicles of the Pharmacopoeia. The flavor which is agreeable to nearly all palates is enhanced by its sweetness. If desired it can be colored with cochineal or caramel.

Off. Prep.—Elixir Aromaticum Rubrum, N. F.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.