
Epilobium. Epilobium angustifolium L. (Chamaenerion angustifolium Scop.) Willow-herb. Herbe de St. Antoine, Fr. Weidenröschen, Antonskraut, G. (Fam. Onagraceae.)—There are several indigenous species of Epilobium, which have the common name of willow-herb, from the resemblance of their leaves to the willow, all of which probably have nearly identical properties. The E. angustifolium is the largest of them. Its leaves and roots are said to be demulcent, tonic, and astringent, and yield their virtues to water and alcohol. They are used by the eclectics, generally and locally, in decoction, infusion, or cataplasm, as astringents. Oliver reports (B. M. J., ii, 1897) violent poisoning with epileptiform convulsions caused by E. hirsutum L.. Under the name of Kaporie tea, the leaves of E. angustifolium and of E. hirsutum are largely used in Russia as a beverage.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.