Tinctura Sennae Composita. Br. Compound Tincture of Senna.

Botanical name: 

Related entries: Senna

Elixir Salutis; Teinture (alcoole) de Sene composee, Teinture de Sene aromatique, Elixir de Salut, Fr.; Zusammengesetzte Sennatinktur, G.

"Senna Leaves, in No. 20 powder, 200 grammes; Caraway Fruit, in No. 20 powder, 25 grammes; Coriander Fruit, in No. 20 powder, 25 grammes; Glycerin, 100 millilitres; Alcohol (45 per cent.), sufficient to produce 1000 millilitres. Moisten the solid ingredients with two hundred and fifty millilitres of the Alcohol, and prepare, by the percolation process, eight hundred and fifty millilitres of tincture. Add the Glycerin and sufficient of the Alcohol to produce the required volume." Br.

The Br. Pharm. 1898 increased the proportion of senna in this preparation 60 per cent.

This tincture is the elixir salutis of the old Pharmacopoeias. It is a warm cordial purgative, useful in costiveness attended with flatulence, and in atonic gout, especially when occurring in intemperate persons. It is also added to cathartic infusions and mixtures. Tincture of senna yields a yellow scaly deposit, containing white crystals of calcareous salts. (Meniere.)

Dose, from two to four fluidrachms (7.5-15 mils).

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.