Red-leafed plant. Chiricahuas, AZ, US. Wild. 1998-04-01.
Classic texts: Bigelow 1817-1821: The images. |
Classic texts: W. Barton, 1818: The pics. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 9, 1825: the images. |