189-192 Pine Tree, WIld Pine, Orpine, Featherfew.

189 Pine Tree. 189c Pine Tree. Text page 048. 189. The Pine Tree, or manur'd Pine. Pinus, or Pinus sativa.

1. This is a large Tree, with slender, sharp pointed, dark Green Leaves, yellow Catkins, and brown oblong round pointed Cones.
2. It grows wild in Italy, but is planted here in Gardens, flowing early in the Spring.
3. The Neuclei or Kernels are of a balsamic nourishing Nature, and esteem'd good for Consumptions, Coughs and Hoarsness; restorative and of Service after long Illness. They also help ye Strangury, Heat & Sharpness of Urine.
4. Greek, Πιτυς. Latin, Pinus. Spanish, Pino. Italian, Pino. French, Pin. German, Fichtenbaum. Dutch, Pijn Boom.

190 Wild Pine. 190c Wild Pine. 190. The wild Pine. Pinus sylvestris.

1. This Pine grows near as tall as the former, its Leaves are much shorter and slenderer, especially on the Bottom of the Branches, the the Catkins & Cones smaller and sharper; but much of the same Colours.
2. It grows in great Plenty in Germany, & flowers much about ye time with the other.
3. From this Tree comes the common Turpentine, chiefly used by the Ferriers; from which is distill'd the oil of Turpentine, and the Spirit, the Dregs that are left at the Bottom of the Still is the common Rosin. Mr. Dale affirms from Doctor Kreig that ye Burgundy Pitch is made of ye Turpentine from this Tree. The Curious may Consult Mr. Miller, the Apothecary's Botanicum officinale p. 347, where there is a beautiful Account of this Tree.
4. Greek, Πίτυς αργία. Latin, Pinus montana. Spanish, Pino de bosque. Italian, Pino salvatico. French, Pin sauvage. German, Bildfichtenbaum. Dutch, Wilde Pynboom.

191 Orpine. 191c Orpine. 191. Orpine or Live-long. Grassula or Fabaria.

Also see #191. Orpine - #232. Wall Pepper

1. The Stalks grow to be a Foot high, the Leaves are a light blue Green, and the Flowers a pale Purple.
2. It grows in Hedges and shady Places flowring in Iune and Iuly.
3. The Leaves and Flowers are accounted cooling and binding, good for the bloody Flux, tempering the Heat and Acrimony of those Humours which cause an Erosion of the Bowels. Outwardly they are used against Burns and Scalds, and all kinds of Inflammations.
4. Greek, Τηλεφιον. Latin, Telephium vulgare. Spanish, . Italian, Fava grassa. French, Reprise or Joubarbe des Vignes. German, Schmerwurkel. Dutch, Smeerwortel.

192 Featherfew. 192c Featherfew. 192. Featherfew. Matricaria.

Also see #098. Costmary - 192. Featherfew

1. The Stalks grow about two Foot high, the Leaves are a yellow Green, the Flowers white with a yellow Thrum in the Middle.
2. It grows in Hedges and Lanes, flowring in Iune and Iuly.
3. This Plant is particularly appropriated to the Female Sex, being of great Service in all cold flatulent Disorders of the Womb and hysteric Affections, procuring the Catamenia, and expelling the Birth and Secundines. About two Ounces of the Juice, taken an Hour before the Fit, is good for all kinds of Agues. It also destroys Worms, provokes Urine, and helps the Dropsy and Jaundice.
4. Greek, Παρθενιον. Latin, Parthenium. Spanish, . Italian, Matricaria or Amarella. French, Matricaire. German, Ruttercraut. Dutch, Moederkruyd.

A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts of the Most Useful Plants, Which Are Now Used in the Practice of Physick was written, drawn, engraved and coloured by Elizabeth Blackwell in 1737 (Vol. 1) and 1739 (Vol. 2).