Pessi. Pessaries.

Botanical name: 

Format explanation.
Related entries: Gelato-glycerin - Oil of Theobroma

Pessaries are made by incorporating melted oil of theobroma or gelato-glycerin with the requisite quantity of active ingredient, reduced if necessary to very fine powder, and pouring the mixture into moulds capable of holding 8 grammes (120 grains). The quantities given in each formula are for one pessary. Unless otherwise ordered, the pessaries should be made with oil of theobroma, except in the case of hydrastis pessaries, which should be made with gelato-glycerin; ichthamol pessaries are also usually made with gelato-glycerin.

Pessus Acidi Tannici, B.P.C. TANNIC ACID PESSARY.

Tannic Acid 6 decigrams | 10 grains

Pessus Belladonnae, B.P.C. BELLADONNA PESSARY.

Alcoholic Extract of Belladonna 12 centigrams | 2 grains

Pessus Cocainae, B.P.C. COCAINE PESSARY.

Cocaine Hydrochloride 3 centigrams | ½ grain

Pessus Coniinae, B.P.C. CONIINE PESSARY.

Coniine Hydrobromide 3 centigrams | ½ grain

Pessus Eucalypti Gummi, B.P.C. EUCALYPTUS GUM PESSARY.

Eucalyptus Gum 6 decigrams | 10 grains

Pessus Hydrastis, B.P.C. HYDRASTIS PESSARY.

Liquid Extract of Hydrastis 8 decimils (0.8 milliliters) | 12 minims

Pessus Quininae, B.P.C. QUININE PESSARY.

Quinine Hydrochloride 2 decigrams | 3 grains

Pessus Zinci Oxidi, B.P.C. ZINC OXIDE PESSARY.

Zinc Oxide 1 gramme | 15 grains

The British Pharmaceutical Codex, 1911, was published by direction of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.