
Botanical name: 

Plate 46. Veronica mas.

A common little plant in our dry pastures, and on heaths. The stalks are six or eight inches long; the leaves are short, and of an oval figure, The stalks are not upright: they trail along the ground, only rising at thin upper parts. The leaves are of a pale green colour, a little hairy, and dentated at the edges: the flowers are small and blue; they grow in slender spikes, arising from the bosoms of the leaves; the root is small and fibrous.

The whole herb is used, and it is best fresh, An infusion of it drank in quantities, works by urine, and opens all obstructions: it promotes the menses. There was an opinion lately that this plant would cure the gout. The dried leaves picked from the stalks, were sold in our markets, and people made a tea of them. The opinion was so prevalent, that the plant was in a manner destroyed for many miles about London, but like all other things, that want the truth for their foundation, it came to nothing.

The Family Herbal, 1812, was written by John Hill.