Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri.

Botanical name: 


I have recently had a case which has responded so promptly and so satisfactorily to the treatment that I believe it will be a valuable one to report for the benefit of the readers of this journal. Three months before I saw the case the patient first consulted a doctor. He treated her during the period named without any improvement. When she came into my hands it did not seem possible that she could live ten days. She was greatly emaciated, with the characteristic cachexia.

I found upon examination that the vagina was occluded with a carcinomatous growth, of the cauliflower variety. It involved at least three-fourths of the uterine cervix. The stench was almost unbearable; I was obliged to work at intervals; the temperature was 103°F. The pain in the back, and in the bowels was so great that I used opiates for several days.

I broke up the adhesions and washed out the vagina thoroughly, with a 40 percent solution of the peroxide of hydrogen. I then used a thirty-three and one-third per cent solution of the normal tincture of thuja three times a day, with which to cleanse the vagina. I repeated the peroxid solution from time to time as it seemed to be needed.

I gave the indicated fever remedy and in addition I gave her fifteen drops of thuja every four hours, and gave her also nuclein three times a day. The patient slowly improved in health from the first. In three and one-half months, the growth had entirely sloughed away, leaving only a raw thickened surface on the cervix. A few days later this had healed entirely, but was somewhat thickened. The patient is still improving, has increased materially in weight, and does not look as though she had ever been sick. Other specific conditions arose from time to time and were treated with the indicated remedies.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.