Supra Orbital Headache

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For those cases of severe periodical super-orbitial headache, that occasionally accompany or follow an attack of influenza I give Fowler's solution of arsenic, thirty drops; water four ounces. Mix. A teaspoonful every three hours. This will soon effect a cure. When there is tenderness on pressure in the skin about the eye ball, I add to the above mixture ten drops of bryonia.


COMMENT:—The above quantity represents one drop only of the solution to each dose. If that is to be given every three hours, one would naturally think that the cure would be but slowly brought about. Fifteen grains of the salicylate of sodium will sometimes relieve the above pain described in twenty or thirty minutes. Whatever remedy we use we want the quickest and most satisfactory results.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.