
Botanical name: 

Lycopus Virginicus.

A note on lycopus europaeus in the May number of the Summary reminds me of lycopus virginicus used by our school of practice. The remedy is a valuable one in conditions not amenable to other treatment.

The drug produces a rapid, tumultuous, weakened heart action, with venous stasis. Rheumatic pains involving the heart, hemoptysis, and hemorrhoidal bleeding are also symptoms developed in the proving.

The remedial action of lycopus virginicus is especially marked in exophthalmus, goiter and conditions simulating that without the goiter. It is said we have Graves's disease with any two of the three prominent symptoms (rapid pulse, exophthalmus, goiter) present. I have seen cases which seemed to be Graves's disease, but the two most diagnostic symptoms— exophthalmus and goiter—were absent. The heart symptoms are the same as produced by lycopus virginicus, and that remedy is, therefore, curative. Indeed, severe cases of Graves's disease have been cured or greatly benefited by this remedy under my personal observation.

The symptoms which specifically indicate the use of this remedy are those mentioned above, with dyspnoea, wheezing, cough, anemia, palpitation, rheumatic pains, and great nervousness.

The condition of the circulation is such as to suggest the use of digitalis, but it does little or no good—surely no permanent good. The pains about the heart remind us of aconite, kalmia latifolia, rhus tox., and spigelia. Intercostal pains remind us of cimicifuga, ranunculus, rhododendron and rhus tox. The condition of the venous system leads us to compare collinsonia, hamamelis, pulsatilla and carbo veg. An extreme condition would require the consideration of veratrum album and hydrocyanic acid. The cause of a similar condition might be such that we would select arnica instead of lycopus.

Not that these remedies can be used interchangeably or together, but the one right remedy must be selected according to specific conditions, comprising all of the symptoms present. A choice must be made between lycopus virginicus and the remedies mentioned in the foregoing list which have similar symptoms. If spigelia is the right remedy lycopus virginicus will do no good. If lycopus is the right remedy, the drug that would produce a similar condition in a healthy person, then it is the only one which will act curatively.— Homeopathic Recorder.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 3, 1909, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.