Lobelia as a Sedative.

Botanical name: 

Some of our readers will recollect that we have recommended Lobelia in small doses as a sedative, and possibly may recall the indication—a full oppressed pulse—doughy (?). Fullness of tissue with loss of normal elasticity is also an indication. Possibly, the most marked indication for the use of the remedy is praecordial oppression, though these are associated together.

I have seen three cases the past month that gave these indications in a marked manner. S—, was attacked Nov. 10th, with the prevailing fever, pulse full, 110, basilar pain, pain in right arm, slight cough, and roughening of respiratory murmur on right side. Prescribed, Rx Tinct. Veratrum, gtts. x.; Water, ℥iv. A teaspoonful every hour, with alkaline bath. Next day no better; second day lung relieved, fever the same; third day worse—noticed oppression of pulse and gave Quinine; fourth day still worse—oppressed pulse and praecordial oppression, Prescribed Lobelia alone. Rx Tinct. Lobelia, Sem., gtts. xx.; Water, ℥iv. A teaspoonful every hour. Fifth day marked relief—and with no other medicine the patient was convalescent by the ninth day.

The second case was one of rheumatic fever, for which I had prescribed five days, not only without benefit but the patient grew worse day by day. Visiting him on the sixth day, the praecordial oppression was marked—there had been the Lobelia pulse from the commencement—and life was evidently in danger. A single dose of fifteen drops, followed by the small dose repeated every hour, and the unpleasant symptoms were speedily removed.

W—, aet, two, has had infantile remittent for four days. Improved on Aconite, relapsed the third day. Gave Quinine, grs. ij. during a remission—worse. Fourth day noticed the oppression of pulse, and evident wrong in the chest; gave Rx Tinct. Lobelia Sem., gtts. v.; Water, ℥iv. A teaspoonful every hour, and there was prompt relief and speedy convalescence.

The Eclectic Medical Journal, Vol. XXXIV, 1874, was edited by John M. Scudder, M.D.