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Oleum Phosphoratum, Phosphorated Oil,—strength 1/100. Dose, ♏︎j-v.
Pilulae Phosphori, Pills of Phosphorus,—each contains gr.1/100 of Phos.
Elixir Phosphori, Elixir of Phosphorus,—each ʒ has gr. 1/64 of Phos.
Zinci Phosphidum, Zinc Phosphide, Zn3P2. Dose, gr. 1/50-1/30. Is irritant.

Physiological Action. Phosphorus in small doses is a stimulant to the growth of the bones, to the genital function, and to the brain, circulation and stomach. It aids digestion by irritating the end organs of the stomach nerves, and causes eructations of hydrogen phosphide. Its fumes cause necrosis of the upper or lower jaw bones, especially in those whose teeth are decayed; but this may be prevented by the inhalation of the fumes of old acid turpentine. In poisonous doses it is a powerful gastro intestinal irritant, causing vomiting and purging, with great depression; reaching the blood as phosphorus It destroys the red corpuscles, causing acute hemorrhages from fatty degeneration of the arterial walls, rapid steatosis of the stomach, liver and heart, with deep jaundice; then delirium, convulsions, coma and death, generally from gradual failure of both respiration and circulation.

Antidotes. Copper Sulphate is the best emetic (forming a nearly insoluble phosphide of copper), 3-grain doses in dilute solution every five minutes until emesis. Hydrated Magnesia as a quickly acting purgative. Lime water or Charcoal to prevent its action on the tissues. The antidote is the common Commercial Oil of Turpentine (Bartholow), crude French Acid Turpentine (Wood), which has been exposed to the air for some time. Transfusion has been efficacious in repairing the blood. No oils or fats, as they dissolve phosphorus and promote its absorption.

Acute Phosphorus Poisoning most resembles Acute Yellow Atrophy of the Liver; so much so that it is generally impossible to distinguish between them.

Therapeutics. Phosphorus is used in—
Chronic Nervous Exhaustion, when the nerve centres are implicated.
Neuralgia requires large doses, gr. 1/12, or ʒv of the Elixir.
Anaemia, pernicious anaemia, and their results;—small doses.
Wakefulness, of the aged, and that from cerebral anaemia ;—small doses.
Impotence, of functional character ;—no remedy more efficient.
Progressive Locomotor Ataxia is decidedly ameliorated by Phosphorus.
Skin Diseases, as a substitute for Arsenic in acne, psoriasis and lupus.
Paraplegia, of myelitic origin, from excessive venery.
Osteomalacia and Rachitis are much benefited by Phosphorus.
Threatened Cerebral Softening, in which no other drug seems to affect the nerve centres as beneficially as Phosphorus does.

A Compend of Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Prescription Writing, 1902, by Sam'l O. L. Potter, M.D., M.R.C.P.L.