Chap. 131. Of Cistus Dwarf.

Cistus, Dwarf. This chapter hasn't been proofread yet.

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I. The Names. It is called in Greek, ΉÎ±^,Α_·-w *) X*i*i>ufQ- : In Latin, Helianthemum and Uiamsaltvs : In English, Dwarf Qftus, and Small Sun-flower. f 1

II. The Kinds. Parkinson makes Nine Kinds of this Plan:, but a great part of them are Foreigners

to us, and therefore not to be taken notice of: Those which are Natives of our Countrey are chiefly three : 1. Helianthemum Vulgare, Chamectihis flore luteo, Plos Solss auerundam, Our Common Dwarf Cistus, or small Sun Flower. 2. Helianthemum flore albo. White Dwarf Cistus. Chamecistus ferpilli joliis flore Cameo, The Great Dwarf Cistus with Wild Time Leaves, and a blush colored flower.

III. The Descriptions. The first has a hard and woody Root, of a brownish color, and growing in time to be somewhat great, and very long, and divided into small Branches at the lower end: From this Root come forth several small and weak, yet hard and almost woody Branches, lying for the most part round about the Head of the Root upon the Ground, on which grow by pairs, many small and somewhat )ong Leaves, thick, fat, and full of substance, a little soft or hairy, or covered with a sost Down, with other small Leaves also growing between them : at the tops whereof ft and three or four small pale yellow, and sometimes gold yellow colored Flowers, consisting of five round pointed Leaves apiece, with some yellow threads in the middle, of a pretty favor or smell in some places, but less or none in others : which being past away, there follow small round Heads, in which arc contained small yellow Seed. This Plant dies not, but continues many years, increasing in its Branches, which yield a Viscous or Mucilaginous Juice, like unto Comfrey, and is of an Aufiere, Astringent taste.

IV. The second has a Root like the former, and differs not much from it, but that it grows up somewhat higher, the Leaves are a little longer, and not so thick set together, also% more Woolly and Downey,

thereby obtaining a whiter color. The Flower has the same number of Leaves, is also somewhat longer, and white withal _·, being in some places a little sweet, in others little or nothing at all _· and its Taste is Astringent like the former.

V. The third has a Root very Fibrous, fpre.:d'n:g much under Gound : from whence rise up wanx red-

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dish Branches like unto Wild Time, with such like small Leaves set upon them very thick, or as it were in a double row, of a dark green color, and a little hairy or downey withal, but a little longer and whiter next unto the Flowers, which β and three or four together, every one on a pretty long hairy Footstalk, consisting of jive small yellow Leave si like unto the other, and somewhat sweet.

VI. The Places. They all grow in divers places of England, but the first and second more especially in Kent, in almost all places throughout it, which in some places are greater than in others; but that with the white Flower is more rare to be met with than the other. The third is that which Parkinson thinks is most usual with us in England. Gerard says, that those of our English growth, he has found in many places, especially upon the Chalky Banks about Gravefend and Southfleet in Kent, and for the most part all the way from thence to Canterbury and Dover, they delighting to grow in rough, dry, and Sunny places in open fields, and upon Mountains.

- VII. The Times. They Flower in Summer, viz. in June, July and August ; some earlier, and some later: but their Flowers are so soon fading, that they seldom endure above a day or two ^ and their Seed is perfected in some small time after. _·

VIII. The Qualities. They are temperate in respect of heat or coldness, and dry in the second Degree : Abstersive, Astringent, Vulnerary, Neurotick, Alterative, and Alexipharmick.

IX. The Specification. They are peculiar for stanching Blood, and stopping all Fluxes of Blood in any part of the Body whatsoever, whether Inward or Outward.

X. The Preparations. You may prepare therefrom,
1. A liquid Juice.
2. An Essence.
3. A Decoction.
4. A Pouder.
5. A Distilled Water.
6. A Spirituous Tincture.
7. An Acid Tincture.
8. A Syrup.
9. A Balsam or Ointment.
10. A Cataplasm.

TJw Virtues.

XI. The liquid Juice. It dries and astringes, stops bleeding, spitting Blood, pissing Blood, overflowing of the Terms, and all other fluxes of Blood, and heals Wounds, by strengthening the Parts, and conjoining their Lips together: it prevails also against all manner of fluxes of the Belly, and consolidates Ruptures. Dose from one ounce to three in a Glass of Red Port Wine.

XII. The Essence. It has all the Virtues of the Liquid Juice, besides which it is powerful to Waih and Gargle fore Mouths and Throats, and to heal them; as also to cure Ulcers in the Privy Parts of Man or Woman, and old running Sores in other parts of the Body, as in the Legs and Feet, which have been of a long standing, and which by reason they are depending parts, by a defiuxion of moist and sharp Humors, are kept long from healing _·, It is also good against Coughs, Colds, and violent Catarrhs, or defluxions of Rheum, which induces, by continuance, a Consumption. It cleanses, drys, and heals old Ulcers, and Conglutinates the Lips of Green Wounds, because it is very powerful in consolidating, binding and strengthening any part 5 and is as effectual as Comfrey for Ruptures, strengthening weak Joints, or any other Glutinating property, to which Comfrey is proper.

XIII. The Decoction in Red Wine. It has all the Virtues of the Liquid Juice and Essence, but not altogether so effectual _·, but drank from four to eight ounces, it stops Catarrhs, Coughs, and inward Bleedings, and heals a Rupture of any of the Vessels.

XIV. The Pouder of the Leaves. It is wonderfully astringent, drys up moisture in running Ulcers, cleanses and heals : it is a peculiar thing against spitting and pissing of Blood, and the Disease called Diabetes. Dose one dram, in some proper Vehicle.

XV. The Distilled Water. It is said to be a good Cosmetick, to beautify or make fair the skin of the Face, Neck, Breasts, and Hands, or of any other Parts of the Body.

XVI. The Spirituous Tincture. It has the Virtues of the Juice, Essence, and Decoction, besides which it is good against the stinging or biting of any Venomous Creature, stopping the farther spreading of the Poyson, and in a short time curing the sick. Dose one or two drams in a Glass of Canary, Morning, Noon, and Night.

XVII. The Acid Tincture. It prevails against the Malignity and Venom of Serpents, or the bitings of any other evil Beast : it is good against malign Fevers, and the Infection of the Plague, and of any other malign or infectious Disease : it may be inwardly taken, and outwardly applied, in any of the cafes aforesaid, where outward applications are requisite. It is good against a heuce, or Spotted Leprosie, Scurf, Morphew, and such like, if it is mixed with the Distilled Water, and then the parts affected to be Washed therewith.

XVIII. The Syrup. It is an incomparable thing against Coughs, colds, Catarrhs, or sharp and Salt distillations of Rheum, and spitting of Blood, also all forts of Fluxes of the Bowels. Dose two spoonfuls in some proper Vehicle, Morning, Noon, and Night,

XIX. The Balsam or Ointment. They are most incomparable Vulneftries, so that few Medicaments exceed them. They not only speedily cure Green Wounds by conglutination, but also digest Lacerated Wounds, and cleanse, incarnate, dry, and heal, old, foul, hollow, running Ulcers.

XX. The Cataplasm. Being applied, it is good against the biting or stinging of any Venomous Creature, flaying the farther spreading of the malignity. Applied also in the Gout, from what cause soever, it eases the pain, prevents the defiuxion, and quickly cures it.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.