Vanhoja tekstejä: Suomen myrkylliset ja lääkekasvit, 1936: kuvat.
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Classic texts: Woodville 1790-1794: The images. |
Classic texts: Hool 1918: The Images. |
Classic texts: Salmon 1710: The Images. |
Classic texts: Salmon 1710: The Images. |
Classic texts: Salmon 1710: The Images. |
Gamla texter: Insamling af Inhemska Växtdroger, 1915: bilder. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
Classic texts: Harding 1936: the pics. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
ssp. iwatensis. Leaf. Tokyo bot.g., Japan. Planted. 2008-06-10. |
Flowerhead. Tokyo bot.g., Japan. Planted. 2008-06-10. |
Plants in cultivation. MTT Karila research station, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2001-08-13. |
Plant in cultivation. MTT Karila research station, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2001-08-13. |
Flowering plant. MTT Karila research station, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2002-08-13. |
Flower. MTT Karila research station, Mikkeli, Finland. Planted. 2002-08-13. |
Classic texts: Madaus 1938: the pics. |
Vanhoja tekstejä: Tärkeimmät Kotimaiset Lääkekasvimme, 1913: kuvia. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 7, 1821: the images. |
Old texts: Hayne's Getreue Darstellung, vol. 7, 1821: the images. |