Lipomas (fatty tumors).

Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 11:08:32 +0000
Sender: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list <HERB.TREARN.BITNET>
From: Jonathan Treasure <jtreasure.JONNO.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: fatty tumors

>I am asking for advice on treating a fatty tumor. My father has a large one on his neck. It's been checked and is just an annoying bulge, it's not cancerous. He's talking about getting it cut off but doesn't want to have surgery. Any help would be appreciated.

Actually, benign lipomas can cause damage by affecting the underlying tissues with a variety of knock on effects and should not be left too long. There is no herbal cure. This sort of problem is one where our allopathic plumber friends actually have the simplest solution - local anaesthetic and a minor surgerical invasion of the superficial tissues - all done in a couple of hours and that's that. Of course .... we do have the national health service here in the UK - check out your insurance!!!!


From: Jonathan Treasure <jtreasure.JONNO.DEMON.CO.UK>

>> Actually, benign lipomas can cause damage by affecting the underlying tissues with a variety of knock on effects and should not be left too long.
>"knock on effects" ????
>Any examples?

Displacement of underlying muscles leading to postural compensation and chronic pain, pressure on blood vessels and surrounding tissues causing discomfort and irritation, penetration of fascia with irritaion/inflammation of deeper tissues etc etc. I guess psychological factors about appearance, self image etc can also be involved in some cases.

>And, how do you tell one of these lumps from any other types of lumps?

Ultimately only by biopsy/path lab report. But usually they are encapsulated and superficial ie they move around easily and have distinct boundaries on palpation and have little or no afferent innervation ie they dont hurt as such

Frankly I'd be surprised if homeopathy could remove a lipoma of substantial size
- they can become massive and are not like warts etc
- but no doubt someone has a miracle story to tell.
I would repeat that minor surgical excision is relatively harmless, non invasive, and fast and effective as a treatment. (and I am a herbalist)


<Lipomas are a sign that your fat digestion isn't up to par. Help your liver. -Henriette>