- Front page.
- Title Page.
- Adder's Tongue.
- Adonis.
- Agrimony, Water Female.
- Agrimony, Water Male.
- Agrimony.
- Alehoof, Stone.
- Alehoof.
- Alexanders, Candy.
- Alexanders, Smyrnium.
- Alexanders.
- Alheale, Clownes.
- Alkanet.
- Allheal, Asclepius.
- Allheal.
- Allseed.
- Anemone, Wild Greater.
- Anemone, Wild Smaller.
- Anemone.
- Angelica, Garden.
- Angelica, Water.
- Angelica, Wild Greater.
- Angelica, Wild Smaller.
- Anise.
- Apple of Peru, Thorne.
- Apple, Love.
- Apples, Mad.
- Arach, Garden Larger.
- Arach, Garden.
- Arach, Sea 1.
- Arach, Sea.
- Arach, Stinking.
- Arach, Wild Common.
- Arach, Wild Greater.
- Arach, Wild Lesser.
- Arach, Wild Narrow.
- Archangel, Red.
- Archangell, Dead Nettle.
- Archangell, Yellow.
- Arrowhead.
- Arsmart, Biting.
- Arsmart, Mild.
- Asarabacca, Bastard.
- Asarabacca.
- Asparagus, Prickly.
- Asparagus, Sea.
- Asparagus.
- Asphodel, Onion.
- Asphodil, Great White.
- Asphodil, Lancashire.
- Asphodil, Smalest.
- Asphodil, Small Yellow.
- Avens, Mountain.
- Avens.
- Balsamine, Female.
- Balsamine, Male.
- Barley, Common.
- Barley, Eares.
- Barley, Way.
- Barley, Wild, Hauer Grass.
- Barley, Wild.
- Barrenwort.
- Basil, American.
- Basil, Citron.
- Basil, Clove Scented, Largest.
- Basil, Clove or Gentle.
- Basil, Common Anise.
- Basil, Common.
- Basil, Field.
- Basil, Stone Greater.
- Basil, Wild Greater.
- Basil, Wild Lesser.
- Batchelars Buttons, White.
- Bawm, Turkey.
- Bawm.
- Bean, Common Field or Horse.
- Bean, Garden Ordinarie.
- Bean, Kidney Garden Scarlet.
- Bean, Kidney.
- Bear's Ears.
- Beares Britch.
- Beets, Black or Red.
- Beets, Green Common.
- Beets, Red Roman.
- Beets, White.
- Bellflower, Coventry.
- Bellflower, Milkey.
- Bellflower, Peachleaved.
- Bellflower, Round-leaved.
- Betony, Water.
- Betony.
- Bifoil.
- Bindweed, Black.
- Bindweed, Blew Small.
- Bindweed, Blew.
- Bindweed, Common Gr.
- Bindweed, Common Smal.
- Bindweed, Great.
- Bindweed, Sea Greate, Soldanella greater.
- Bindweed, Sea or Soldanella.
- Bird's Eye, White.
- Bird's nest.
- Bishop's weed.
- Bishopsweed, Aromatick of Candia.
- Bishopsweed, Candia.
- Bistort, English.
- Bistort, Great.
- Bistort, Small or Snake-weed.
- Bitter-Sweet.
- Bleu Botle double.
- Blew-Bottle Turkey.
- Blew-Bottle, Common, or Corne Flower.
- Blew-Bottle, Greater.
- Blite small red.
- Blite with much seed.
- Blite, Greater White.
- Blites, Red.
- Blites, White Lesser.
- Blood wort.
- Borrage.
- Britannica or Darkcoloured Water Dock.
- Brooklime Greater.
- Brooklime.
- Broom Rape.
- Broom, Common.
- Broom, Spanish, without leaves.
- Broom, Spanish.
- Broome Rape.
- Bryony or Wild Vine.
- Bryony, Black. Vitis Nigra.
- Bryony, White. Vitis alba.
- Buckhorn, Upright.
- Bucks-horne, Creeping.
- Bugle.
- Bugloss Wild, or Oxetongue.
- Bugloss, Lesser Marsh.
- Bugloss, Sea or Marsh.
- Bugloss, Vipers.
- Bugloss, Wall-.
- Buglossa.
- Bur-Dock, Small.
- Burnet, Large Common.
- Burnet, Small.
- Burrdock the lesser.
- Burre Dock, Great.
- Butter Bur without flower.
- Butter Burr.
- Butterwort.
- Cabbage.
- Calamint Spotted.
- Calamint Water Large English.
- Calamint lesser Hoary.
- Calamint small.
- Calaminta Americana.
- Calamintha communis.
- Caltrope, Land.
- Caltrops, Water.
- Cammock or Restharron.
- Camomil naked flowred.
- Camomil, Com.
- Camomill, Roman.
- Campion, English Sea.
- Campions Gard double flowred.
- Campions Gard. single flowred White.
- Campions Wild Single flow.
- Campions, Corn.
- Campions, Garden, red, single flowred.
- Carawaies.
- Carnation, Great.
- Carot, Wild of Creet, or Daucus.
- Carots, Garden.
- Carrot, Wild.
- Catch Fly, Candia or Clusius.
- Catch Fly, German.
- Cats-tail.
- Cats-taile, Reed, or Reed Mace.
- Celandin.
- Celandine, Common Great.
- Centarie, Small.
- Centaury, Small yellow thoroughleaved.
- Centory yellow small.
- Centory, the Great.
- Charlock, Common Field.
- Charlock, Water
- Cherries, Winter, Alkekengi.
- Chervil, Neat.
- Chervil, Toot Pick, True
- Chervil, Tooth Pick.
- Chervil, Wild.
- Chervil.
- Chichling, Greater Short Codded.
- Chickweed, Great Berry-bearing.
- Chickweed, Hairy.
- Chickweed, Sea.
- Chickweed, Small.
- Chickweed, Speedwell.
- Chickweed, Ston.
- Chickweed, Water Great.
- Chickweed, Water Smaller.
- Chickweed, Water Smallest.
- Cinkfoil, White.
- Cinkfoil, White.
- Cinkfoil, Wild Tansie-leaved.
- Cinkfoil.
- Cinkfoile, Hoary.
- Cistus, Dwarf.
- Cistus, Male.
- Cives.
- Clary of Dioscorides.
- Clary, Garden.
- Clary, German.
- Clary, Wild.
- Claver, Moon.
- Claver-grass.
- Cleavers.
- Clove Gilliflower, Single.
- Clove Gilliflower.
- Cockcombe.
- Coks Head.
- Cole Rape.
- Colewort, Garden Crisped.
- Colewort, Open Cabbage.
- Colewort, Sea.
- Coleworts, Wild.
- Coleworts.
- Colly Flowers.
- Coltsfoot in flower.
- Coltsfoot.
- Columbine, double flow inversed.
- Columbine, manifold double.
- Columbines.
- Comfrey with purple flowers.
- Comfrey, Tuberous.
- Comfrey.
- Consound, Daisie.
- Consound, Middle.
- Consound, Saracens.
- Corallwort, Five Leaved.
- Corallwort, Small.
- Coralwort, Bulbed.
- Coriander, Small.
- Coriander.
- Rest harrow.