213-216 The Wild Olive Tree, The Savine Tree, Wall-fern, Spleen Wort.
213. The Wild Olive Tree. Olea sylvestris, or Oleaster.
Also see #199. The Olive tree - #213. The Wild Olive Tree
1. This Tree grows less than the manur'd Olive, the Leaves are a grass Green, the Flowers white with a blush of purple in them, & the Fruit black when ripe.
2. It grows in great Plenty in Tuscany and flowers in April.
3. Matthiolus recommends the Leaves & the Wood as binding & cooling. Dioscorides says the Oil is exceeding astringent; and accounts the Leaves and Fruit good for St. Anthony's Fire and corroding Sores.
4. Greek, Αγριελαια. Latin, Oleaster. Spanish, Zebuche. Italian, Olivo Salvatico. French, Oliver sauvage. German, Bilder olbaum. Dutch, Wilde Olyf.
Also see #187. The Juniper Tree - #214. The Savine Tree
1. It seldome grows tall in England; the Leaves are a grass Green, the Flowers Green and the Berries a blackish purple.
2. It is planted here in Gardens, and seldome produces Fruit for which some have thought it barren.
3. Savine is accounted hot & dry, opening & attenuating, being a great Provoker of the Catamenia, caufing Abortion & expelling the Birth. It is esteemd good to destroy Worms in Children, for which Purpose Mr Ray commends the Juice mixt with Milk & sweetned with Sugar; the Juice beat into a Cataplasm with Hog's Lard, cures Children's Scabby Heads. Officinal Preparations are the Ol. Sabinae
per Infusionem et decoctionem, & the Oleum Sab. chymicum.
4. Greek, Βραθυς. Latin, Sabina. Spanish, Sabina. Italian, Savina. French, Savinier. German, Sebenbaum. Dutch, Sevenboom.
215. Wall-fern or Polypody of the Oak. Polypodium Quercinum.
1. This Plant grows about eight or ten Inches high, on the back of the Leaves grow the Flowers of a reddish brown Colour.
2. It grows on old Walls and Trees, and flowers in Autumn.
3. The Roots are esteem'd opening & good to purge biliose Humours, & open Obstructions of ye Liver, help the Jaundice & Dropsy & provoke Urine. Some account them good for the Scurvy for which they are frequently an Ingredient in Antiscorbutic Diet Drinks.
4. Greek, Πολυωοδιον. Latin, Filicula. Spanish, Polipopio. Italian, Polipodio. French, Polypode. German, Dropffwurk. Dutch, Boomvaren.
216. Spleen Wort, Ceterach Miltwast. Asplenium, Ceterach, Scolopendria.
Also see #138. Hart's Tongue - #216. Spleen Wort - #219. White Maiden Hair - #220. Black Maiden Hair
1. It grows about four Inches high, the Leaves are a dark Green on the upper Side, & brownish on the back Side, which is occasioned by the Seeds growing there.
2. It grows on Old Walls and Buildings.
3. This is one of the five Capillary Plants, taking its Name from the good Effects it has in curing the Diseases of the Spleen, taking away the Swellings, and hindering its too great Largness, whence it is called Miltwast; it also opens Obstrctions of the Liver, and helps the Jaundice, and is good to cure the Rickets in Children.
4. Greek, Ασπλενον. Latin, Asplenium. Spanish, Doradilha. Italian, Aspleno. French, Cetrach, German, Dutch. Scolopendrie.