137-140 Quinces, Hart's Tongue, Agnus castus, Privet.

137 Quinces. 137c Quinces. Text page 035. 137. Quinces. Cydonea or Mala cotonea majora.

1. This Tree seldom grows so big as the apple Tree, having useally a crooked Body, with many weak Branches. The Leaves are like those of the apple Tree, but rounder and whitish underneath; the Blossomes are a whitish Purple, and the Fruit a yellow Green, covered with a Down.
2. It is commonly planted by Ponds and Moats, flowring in May, the Fruit being ripe in September and October.
3. The Fruit is accounted cordial and strengthning to the Stomach, helping Degestion, and Stopping Vomiting & the Hiccough. They are also esteemed good for all sorts of Fluxes. The Seed is balsamic and mollifying, tempering the Acrimony of Humors & serviceable against sore Mouths, Throats, and a Thrush; for which a Mucilage made of them is frequently prescribed. Outwardly it is applyed to heal sore chop'd Nipples.
4. Greek, Σγδθιοηλα. Latin, Cydonea, or Cotonea majora. Spanish. Membrilhos. Italian, Mele Cotogne. French, Pomes the Coing. German. Gross Quitten. Dutch. Quee-Boom.

138 Harts Tongue. 138c Harts Tongue. 138. Hart's Tongue. Lingua Cervina. & Phyllitis.

Also see #138. Hart's Tongue - #216. Spleen Wort - #219. White Maiden Hair - #220. Black Maiden Hair

1. This Plant grows to be a Foot high; the Leaves are a fine grass Green, the Seed grows in broad oblique Lines on the Backside of the Leaves.
2. It grows in Shady Lanes and old Stone Buildings, being green all the Year.
3. It is much commended for Disorders of the Liver and Spleen, being good to Dissolve hard schirrhous Tumours in either.
It is usefull in the Rickets, Spitting of Blood and the Bloody Flux.
Mr. Ray recommends the Powder, or Conserve of ye green Leaves, for Histeric & Convulsive Fits, and the Palpitation of the Heart.
4. Greek, Φυλλιτις. Latin, Lingua Cervina. Spanish. Lingua cervina. Italian. Lingua cervina. French. Lang de Cerf. German, Hirschtungen. Dutch. Herts Tonge.

139 Agnus Castus. 139c Agnus Castus. 139. Agnus castus, or The Chaste Tree. Vitex, or Agnus castus.

1. This Tree grows abut the Bigness of a small Cherry Tree; the Leaves are a dark Green above, and whitish underneath: the Flowers are a whitish Purple, & ye Seed a blackish Grey.
2. It is a Native of Italy, & is planted here in gardens, flowring the latter End of Summer.
3. The Leaves Flowers & Seed are esteemed warming and drying; helps the Hardness of the Liver & Spleen, expells Wind & brings down ye Catamenia. Formerly ye Seed was much used to allay venereal Heats, & preserve Chastity, but this Age has left that Medicine out of their Dispensatory as useless.
4. Greek. Αγνος και λυγος. Latin, Vitex Agnus Castus. Salix Ameriana. Spanish. Galtiglio casto. Italian. Vittice or Agno casto. French. Casto. German. Schafsmullet. Dutch. Kuys Boom.

140 Privet. 140c Privet. 140. Privet or prim Print. Ligustrum.

1. This is a low Shrub; the Leaves are a grass Green, the Flowers white & the Berries Black.
2. It grows in Hedges and flowers in May & Iune, ye Berries being ripe in September.
3. The Leaves and Flowers are accounted cooling drying & restringent; good for Ulcers & Inflammatins of ye Throat, Bleeding of the Gums and Relaxation of the Uvula. Dioscorides commends the Flowers steep'd in Vinegar as good for the Head-Ach.
4. Greek, Κυωγοσ. Latin. Ligustrum. Spanish. Alfena or Hallena. Italian. Guistrico. Olivella. French. Trosne or Trezillon. German. Beinholk oder. Dutch. Mondhout keelkryud.

A Curious Herbal, Containing Five Hundred Cuts of the Most Useful Plants, Which Are Now Used in the Practice of Physick was written, drawn, engraved and coloured by Elizabeth Blackwell in 1737 (Vol. 1) and 1739 (Vol. 2).