

Related entries: Emulsions
Other tomes: BPC (Lincti) - BPC (Guttae) - BPC (Mixtures)

Mixtures include those liquid preparations containing oleaginous, mucilaginous, albuminous, or saccharine substances, which are used internally, and can not properly be classed with infusions, decoctions, syrups, tinctures, emulsions, etc.; also pharmaceutical compounds in which insoluble substances, whether liquid or solid, are suspended in aqueous fluids by the intervention of viscid substances.

As a rule, those preparations containing oily substances in suspension belong with emulsions, although compounds not easily classified, as will be seen below, are included under the elastic term mixture. Saturations are effervescing draughts prepared by neutralizing with a carbonate solutions of a vegetable acid, like citric and tartaric acids, the container being tightly corked to prevent the escape of carbonic acid gas.

Guttae are mixtures that are to be administered by drops. If designed to be taken at one or a few doses, a mixture is sometimes called a Haustus, Potion, or Drought. A sweetened, aromatic mixture, containing a medicated water or an essential oil, is denominated a Julep (Julapium); a sweet, syrupy mixture, a Linctus.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898, was written by Harvey Wickes Felter, M.D., and John Uri Lloyd, Phr. M., Ph. D.